Winsham Art Club


Winsham Art Group was founded in 1960 by John Thirtle FRSA who offered free tuition for a year. He quickly surrounded himself with a dozen or so enthusiastic amateur painters. Interest grew rapidly, and in 1966 Winsham Art Club was formed, led by Tim Spilsbury.

From then on the Art Club established itself as a teaching club and has been an important factor in the development of many talented amateur artists.

Each year the club holds an exhibition of its members work, the first being held in 1962.

The club now holds regular workshops in most of the popular media, during its Autumn and Winter terms. Outdoor painting sessions are held in the Summer.

The Winsham Art Club concerns itself with many different aspect of artistic creativity, and workshops are offered on many different forms of expression, some examples of which appear on this web page . The examples below were created by Karen Hodgson.

New members of all levels of ability are welcome. Indoor sessions are held in the Jubilee Hall on Monday afternoons.

For further information visit Winsham Web Museum-Click HERE

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Message from Suzy Nacrour

Dear All, 

On Monday (16th December)we'll be painting wintery village scenes.  You are welcome to work in acrylics, watercolours, pastels, pens or whatever combo you like.

There will be masking fluid and candles for those who want to create snowy effects with watercolours.  Please bring your own inspiration images to work from or by all means use one of the ones attached here.(See my e-mail!)

There will be mince pies! 

Happy Christmas to all of our members!

STOP PRESS! See below just three pictures that resulted from the above workshop!

2025-Spring Programme

As the above dates get nearer, a note will usually be posted on this web page advising members of the detail of the session, and the materials needed. This usually appears about a week before the event