
Events for  September & October, and many more to come!

May be a doodle of text that says 'WINSHAM COMMUNITY CLUB Check Out List fEvents SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER កា្រម SEPTEMBER THE TOP HAT 20TH Live music frrom the brilliant duo 'The Top Hat' Doors open 7PM Music starts from 8PM. Hot dogs available BINGO 5TH Winsham Commanity BINGO EB down OCTBB 19TH eee. Doors EHA 19.30. SATURDAYNIGHT TAKEAWAY Chinese takeaway deliveredi from the Golden Axminster. Orders Friday October. Food expected B.3opAea. OCB 26TH your Halloween village trail 3pm- 5pm. available from spooky games Please keep more information with il late. our facebook page for For more information events Winsham Recreational follow us on our facebook page Trust'

A good time for everyone!

Winsham Recreational Trust (WRT) is the new Charity which took over the lease and management responsibility of the top recreation ground, owned by Winsham Parish Council, on June 13th 2020. This followed negotiations with  Winsham Playing Field Trust, who asked the Parish Council to take over this responsibility. 
Winsham Parish
Council is the sole trustee.

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